Marlies Fitch Ledbetter, owner and founder of Indie Hemp Company, meets with NOW Media to discuss CBD, Cannabis, laws and why to choose an advisor when using these products. Click here to view her segment that begins at 37:45 VIEW THE INTERVIEW...
CBD for PETSIs your pets suffering from discomfort, separation issues, fear of thunderstorms or maybe some skin disorders? Pets have fantastic results from CBD products. Click Here to PURCHASE CBD AND PETSYou might use cannabidiol, or CBD, to manage pain, reduce...
Endocannabinoid system helps explain CBD effectiveness excerpts are taken from an article written by Penny Stine According to many enthusiastic proponents, the THC in marijuana and/or the cannabidiol (CBD) in both marijuana and hemp are said to improve a wide...
CBD for chronic pain relief Everyone has a cell-signaling system known as the endocannabinoid system (ECS). Some researchers think that CBD interacts with a core component of the ECS — endocannabinoid receptors in your brain and immune system. Receptors are tiny...
2,202 People reported taking CBD for pain 65% Female 33% Male 2% Prefer not to say The vast majority of participants taking CBD for pain stated that they turned to CBD because they had pain most, if not all, the time (87%). Many had identified multiple...
What Are Cannabinoids? Put simply, cannabinoids are chemicals. More specifically, cannabinoids are chemical compounds that act on the cannabinoid receptors in the brain (CB1 and CB2). There are three distinct classes of cannabinoids: Phytocannabinoids (found in...